The 'I' in your 'team'

Friday, February 24, 2006

Every Shoulder Needs One

How's this for job-related braggadocio?

A couple of days ago, a quick jaunt to the office kitchen to replenish my coffee lead to a chance encounter w/ one of the bigwigs, who paid me what may have been the greatest compliment to my efforts here at work. What follows is a near-verbatim account:

Producer: "So I hear you may be training to do some work on the weekend show."
Me: "Yeah, after sweeps I going to shadow a couple of people."
P: "That's great. Are you excited?"
M (fairly ass-kissy): "Yeah, I'm excited to learn anything new around here."
P: "Yeah, your job is kinda the Armpit around here."

M (stirring coffee): " . . . "
P: "I mean, with the logging & monotony & whatnot"

And with that, the Coworker exited the kitchen leaving me staring into the empty abyss of my coffee mug.

Now, in Coworker's defense, I know it wasn't intended to be an insult, but I'd like to know how one is expected to react when you're told your position amounts to a swampy, undesirable body part. Seriously, I'd like to know; feel free to comment. Is that how we're perceived by the higher-ups? Is this their true color? "Give it to the armpits, they'll do anything." And I'd like to point out that I was promoted recently . . . prior to this casual conference. If I'm the Armpit now, what the hell was I 2 months ago?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Good night, Bluths

Tonight FOX airs the last four episodes of Arrested Development. If Showtime doesn't pick up the series, tonight marks the end of a great comedy.

I'd like to take a moment to express my grief:

Fuck you, FOX.